Welcome to the Llandeilo and District Civic Society | Croeso i Gymdeithas Ddinesig Llandeilo a’r Cylch


The Llandeilo and District Civic Society – formerly the Llandeilo and District Civic Trust Society – aims to encourage the protection and improvement of our area’s special character and quality of life for the benefit of residents and business alike. Civic Awards are presented for exemplary restoration, maintenance, design and improvement schemes which will help to preserve the area’s particular assets and enhance what it has to offer. Free for members are a newsletter about local developments and a programme of talks and events throughout the year usually on subjects connected with the built heritage and the history of our area.


Nod Cymdeithas Ddinesig Llandeilo a’r Cylch – a elwid gynt yn Gymdeithas Ymddiriedolaeth Llandeilo a’r Cylch – yw annog amddiffyn a gwella cymeriad arbennig ein hardal, a’i hansawdd bywyd, ar gyfer trigolion yn ogystal â busnesau. Caiff Gwobrau Dinesig eu cyflwyno i gynlluniau adfer, cynnal a chadw, dylunio a gwella canmoladwy, a fydd yn helpu i ddiogelu asedau penodol yr ardal, ac ymestyn yr hyn sydd ganddi i’w gynnig. Ceir cylchlythyr rhad ac am ddim i aelodau, sy’n sôn am ddatblygiadau lleol a rhaglen o sgyrsiau a digwyddiadau trwy gydol y flwyddyn, fel arfer am bynciau sy’n gysylltiedig â threftadaeth adeiladau a hanes ein hardal.